1D parameter estimation using maximum likelihood estimation#

This example will cover:

  • Use maximum likelihood estimation to optimise kernel parameters

from gptide import cov
from gptide import GPtideScipy
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

Generate some data#

Start off with the same kernel as Example 1 and generate some data.

# These are our kernel input parameters
noise = 0.5
η = 1.5
 = 100
covfunc = cov.expquad_1d

# Domain size parameters
dx = 25.
N = 100
covparams = (η, )

# Input data points
xd = np.arange(0,dx*N,dx)[:,None]

GP = GPtideScipy(xd, xd, noise, covfunc, covparams)

# Use the .prior() method to obtain some samples
yd = GP.prior(samples=1)


We now use the gptide.mle function do the parameter estimation. This calls the scipy.optimize.minimize routine.

# mle function import
from gptide import mle
# Initial guess of the noise and covariance parameters (these can matter)
noise_ic = 0.01
covparams_ic = [1., 10.]

# There is no mean function in this case
# meanfunc = None
# meanparams_ic = ()

soln = mle(
    xd, yd,

print('Noise (true): {:3.2f}, |Noise| (mle): {:3.2f}'.format(noise, abs(soln['x'][0])))
print('ℓ (true): {:3.2f}, ℓ (mle): {:3.2f}'.format(covparams[0], soln['x'][1]))
print('η (true): {:3.2f}, η (mle): {:3.2f}'.format(covparams[1], soln['x'][2]))
Noise (true): 0.50, |Noise| (mle): 0.45
ℓ (true): 1.50, ℓ (mle): 1.21
η (true): 100.00, η (mle): 95.02